In the event of rain all players are required to show up unless otherwise notified.
Games will be played in rain and as long as fields are playable
In the event that a game needs to be stopped due to inclement weather, lightning, etc, you will be instructed by one or all of the following methods:
1) Notified by tournament official
2) Coaches
Everyone should then go to their cars or a place of safety. DO NOT LEAVE THE SITE.
You will be informed by a tournament official when everything is "all clear." You should then return to the diamond.
Games will be suspended until 30 minutes after the last lightning or thunder has left the vicinity.
Teams are to remain within the proximity of the playing locations & not assume the game has been postponed or cancelled
until a call has been made by the Tournament Committee. Games will begin as soon as possible based on weather & field conditions.
Inclement weather is always a possibility and such weather may result in delayed, abbreviated or canceled games.
The tournament committee will attempt to reschedule games to insure that each team will play a full schedule for the tournament.
Games may be shortened or postponed or scheduled at a different site in order to meet this goal.